Raise more $$$
from your appeals
and donor communications

Discover the secrets to raising more money through storytelling, donor psychology and the power of love

Words in Donor Appeals & Love
+ 0
Fundraisers Trained, Coached & Mentored
+ 0
Heart-Changing Non-Profits
+ 0

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BONUS! An in-depth case study on how a copy overhaul resulted in 4x the appeal income.


"Her copy for an acquisition pack not only doubled our database but also made a significant profit."
Andy Kay
Aboriginal Literacy Foundation


3 Ways We Serve You Through the Power of Words

Creagivity is about more than just writing. It’s about using words to build bridges and change the world by:

  • Encouraging donors to put their money where their mouths are
  • Teaching other fundraisers how to harness storytelling and donor psychology
  • Using our communication skills to advocate for change to the fundraising sector’s biggest challenges today.

Build Up Donor Passion & Funds

Copywriting & Donors

  • DM and EDM Appeals
  • Impact newsletters & reports
  • Donor surveys – lead gen & donor identity
  • Developing donor journeys
  • Cases for support
  • Major donor proposals
  • Bequest collateral
  • Regular giving collateral
  • Web copy

Build Up Your Expertise

Training & Coaching

  • Killer Fundraising Offers
  • Blueprint to Direct Mail $$$
  • Donor Love & Impact Language
  • Eyeball-Grabbing Digital Copy
  • Advanced Storytelling
  • Content Collection
  • Marcomms Turned Fundraiser
  • And more… ask us!

Build Up the Fundraising Sector

Workshops & Advocacy

  • Applying philanthropic psychology
  • Tackling Saviourism
  • Your Donors’ Brand Experience
  • Breaking the Marketing / Fundraising Fight Cycle
  • Changing the Overhead Discussion
  • Fundraiser Career Pathways


“If you want to get re-energised about connecting and communicating with donors, this training is for you! I feel more confident that donors will connect the work, feel more appreciated, and understand the impact of their generosity in a more meaningful way.”
Launch Housing


Fundraising Resources

African boy

Download: Tackling Saviourism

The pressure to decolonise fundraising narratives affects not just overseas development agencies but charities closer to home. Get this resource pack to help you understand the issues and take action.

Four hands in the shape of four letters: L O V E

From Consumer to Donor Psychology

Explore an evidence-based approach to growing your donors' capacity to love through your charity's fundraising. Based on proven principles of donor identity and wellbeing.

Hot Topics: Videos & Webinars

Handy links to past webinars and videos on various fundraising related topics to challenge your thinking and share with others who need some fundraising inspiration!



Explore the work of Rogare, the Fundraising Think Tank. Explore a selection of papers specifically related to fundraising copywriting.


CMA Fundraising Network

As a member of the Founding Committee, we're passionate about building up fundraisers of faith who wish to raise more funds for their ministries.

Reframe Overhead

Every fundraiser faces challenges related to how we talk about charity overhead. Find resources here to help your charity change the discussion.

Meet June - More Than A Copywriter

June Steward is the director of Creagivity. She has over 16 years of experience in fundraising and copywriting. For her, it’s not just about the words – it’s about the people. It’s about understanding donors and who they are at heart. It’s about talking to them in the language they know. It’s about telling them stories and giving them the power to make the world a better place.

But it’s also about understanding your charity or non-profit, where you are on the fundraising journey and overcoming the mindsets and cultures about raising money that hold you back. Make no mistake – raising money is hard work but it can be done.

We love working with other fundraisers. We love hearing a donor has cried over an appeal letter. And we love it when you tell us that your latest appeal is up on $$$. Or has cracked that income ceiling you’ve never been able to reach before. Or has raised more than ever before.

Frequently asked

With the growth of the business, that is no longer possible. June has creative and strategic oversight of all projects and aims to empower the writers she works with to best practice in all aspects of fundraising copywriting.

We focus on copy only although we often provide design notes or supply mockups on supplied copy. However, we are not a full service agency and actual design is not included in our services. You will need to use your own designer or we can recommend someone.

We can also advise on design so it works together with the copy and to avoid common problems which reduce direct response readability and decreases income and response. These may include using tiny font, large slabs of reverse text and squashing parts of the Johnson box into a corporate style banner.

Creative – As a person of faith, June is passionate about following in the footsteps of the Creator who made us all. We’re all about using our storytelling talents to create a better world with more love, kindness and grace. We want to care for His creations whether people or planet and show God’s love in the world.

Giving – This is about reflecting the example of God who gave us the greatest gift of all – Jesus. Beyond that, we use the art and science of encouraging donors to be financial givers to great causes. We believe that giving to others is a vital expression of our faith. We want to create change through love in action, expressed by giving money.

Note, this doesn’t mean we only work with Christian organisations. We love working with any non-profit that is doing good stuff in the world.

June is always interested in hearing from other fundraising copywriters. Please contact her as we often need help with ad hoc jobs during busy periods.

We get asked this question a lot. Hence I have put together the following document that gives you an overview of how much time to allow.

Download fundraising appeals process

Our approach has always been driven by donor centricity. However, we recognise that many charities wish to make their fundraising more beneficiary-centred and less saviourist. We have been exploring evidence-based ways to take into account the needs of donors AND to do no harm to participants and their communities.

This is why we are interested in philanthropic psychology and other similar approaches, based on research and testing proven to increase donor income and response. Although the language approach may appear to overlap with strengths-based or rights-based fundraising, they are not the same thing.

Here are some articles related to this subject.

Or you can download a package of resources we’ve put together.       Download here

June works from Melbourne, Australia, and uses various contract writers.

We don’t charge by the hour. We quote a project fee after talking to a prospective non-profit client about their needs, donor base, previous fundraising activities, past results and fundraising culture as well as their job requirements.


The Blog - June's Fundraising Letter

Part 4. Is AI capable of growing love?

This is the last in a series of four posts reflecting on a conversation about donor-centred fundraising and growing donor love with Professor Jen Shang