Let’s Do Good Things Together


Fundraising Theory & Practice

STOP! Don’t let your eyes glaze over! It’s important that our fundraising practices are rooted in sound and tested theory.

We’re passionate not only about practice-driven research and testing but also critical thinking and academic theory. That’s why Creagivity is a member of Rogare, the fundraising think tank.

Here you’ll find a selection of Rogare papers and resources relevant to direct response fundraising, donor relationships and ethics. Yes, they’re long reads but important for advancing fundraising knowledge and practice.

Read about Relationship Fundraising 1.0 and 2.0 to understand the applications of relationship building with donors.

Explore THAT positive vs. negative beneficiary-framing debate with these papers, podcasts and video. 

Ponder donor dominance: how much power should a donor have?

we are part of the family.
all the way through.


The Blog - June's Fundraising Letter