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As a copywriter, I hate jargon!

Yet jargon crops up in fundraising appeals, direct mail, donor newsletters, websites… and just about anything else written for donors!

So I’ve decided to start a regular spot on my blog called June’s Jargon Watch. The aim will be to highlight these atrocities of the English language. And also suggest how they could be rewritten so the donor – and the average person – can actually understand them.

Here’s this week’s offering.

Internally-focused jargon

The broader goal is to promote integrated initiatives to combat food insecurity for sustainable reduction in poverty and hunger.

What the hell does this actually mean? Can you actually know what this organisation does from this description?

Donor-centred translation

Your generosity means farmers learn ways to grow crops or earn a living even when there’s a drought. No more poverty and lots of full bellies… thanks to you!

If you see a horrendous example of fundraising jargon, let me know! I may feature it in a future edition of June’s Jargon Watch!

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